The construction of Eltham Heights SE9 started around 1935 and several different types of homes were built. I have a great interest in the design and construction of the builds as over the last 12 years we have carried out hundreds of jobs on the properties, from small maintenance repairs to structural alterations, extensions and loft conversions. Locally we are one of the main builders / building contractors helping to maintain and refurbish/renovate the properties in Eltham Heights SE9.
The following documents were put together and published around 80 years ago by the contractor and the surveyor.
As a resident of Eltham Heights I would like to share this information with my neighbours and the local community of Eltham.
I hope you find this as interesting as us here at London and Kent Construction Ltd.
The first completed road on the Estate
An informal and entirely truthful statement
by the compiler of this brochure
I have had great difficulty in writing this brochure ….
I am fully aware that when you read a publication of this type your reaction may not be-as the Builders would wish-“These houses must be amazing value” but more probably “These people know how to boost their Estate; I’ll bet I’d get a nasty shock if I saw the actual houses.”
I will go further-having just re-read my heading -and frankly admit that if the “Eltham Heights” Houses were appallingly bad, it would still have been my duty and,I grieve to say, with him my ability to assume an enormous enthusiasm in the following pages.
Now please refer to the heading again I had prepared quite a lot of inviting literature about “Eltham Heights” . . . .and I’ve scrapped the lot!
My reasons are twofold:
1. “Eltham Heights” is endowed by nature as a perfect setting for a modern home and is now being developed in an intelligently artistic manner almost unique in my long experience of modern home-building and is therefore worthy of something better than the usual superficial publicising; and
2. Contemplating buying a house presents a very serious problem and I’ve given you
credit for preferring straightforward and informative statements to mere “verbal acrobatics.”
I can approach the problem from the House-hunter’s point of view I’ve hunted for houses myself! And I think you will agree that the “House-hunter’s Questionnaire” which I have formulated on the next pages fairly summarises this problem. I have “starred” those questions which I think are of first importance in choosing a house but you may consider the “stars” should be differently allocated. I am quite sure however that if you come to check my answers and find them correct, an “Eltham Heights” house must be your final choice. Even now I hear you saying “all this Including the heading 1-may be a new and subtle form of advertising.”
It may be; but will you give me the benefit of the doubt? Read pages 3 and 4 care fully, then come and see “Eltham Heights” for yourself and you will immediately appreciate my difficulty. In the housing world, where all the superlatives have already been worked to death-with or without justification-I have discovered “the perfect Estate” to which the mere printed word cannot possibly do justice.
• The ability of a producer to advertise his goods in a strikingly inviting manner is not necessarily any criterion of their value. In these days of enormous competition in the Housing Market the House-hunter is besieged on all sides by elaborate and appealing propaganda and the result, from the purchaser’s point of view, is often sheer bewilderment. The following “Questionnaire” will be found of real use to you, to whatever district you may wish to apply it. A building programme that can pass this “acid test” will at least merit a visit from you
The Househunter’ s Questionnaire
Q. Is the district a “convenient ” one?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” is in an Ideal Residential District, within the L.C.C. area, about 8 miles from the West End yet on the borders of the lovely Kentish countryside (the immediate neighbourhood includes Chislehurst, The Cray Valley, Blackheath, etc., etc.). ELTHAM has a “London” shopping centre; an excellent electric train service (page 7) and a Metropolitan Borough Administration (Woolwich).
Q. Is the particular site favourably situated or just “the last available land left?”
A. ” ELTHAM HEIGHTS ” is the finest and most ” natural ” Estate i n this part of London; with all the building development which has taken place in the popular Eltham district in the last twelve years this site would undoubtedly have been the first choice of any discerning Builder but it has not previously been available owing to an existing agricultural tenancy, now terminated. In fact, very many builders and hundreds of purchasers in the past have noted the estate with envy, have made enquiries as to the possibility of building houses on it, and have had to settle, with regret, elsewhere. It occupies the finest and healthiest position in London, being actually situated on a section of the” Green Belt” surrounding London. (Your attention is particularly drawn to the map on page 11.) It is bounded to the South by the beautiful L.C.C. Park “Avery Hill” and to the West by the lovely Eltham Warren Golf Course. Situated over 200 ft. above sea-level, yet it is sheltered from the North by the historic Shooters Hill. The greater part of the London area has clay sub-soil; the sub-soil of “Eltham Heights” is SAND AND GRAVEL.
Hitherto it has been impossible to acquire a modern house in the actual Eltham district, except at prices well over £1,000. Moderately-priced new houses have only been available on the extreme outskirts of the district. This, in fact, is now the difficulty in nearly every residential area in Greater London; the intending purchaser of a moderately-priced house must live “out in the wilds,” no matter how attractive the “residential centre” of his chosen district may be .
“Eltham Heights” happily represents the reverse position. Here the most delightful part of Eltham
has only now been released by the Crown for development.
*Q. What of the future?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” is not only the perfect setting for a modern house now; its unique situation
will enable it to retain its present residential qualifications and therefore the value of the houses on it.
*Q. Is the building programme worthy of these “natural ” amenities?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” strikingly illustrates the enormous possibilities of intelligent and artistic Estate development which aims at incorporating (instead of destroying) the natural beauty of the Landscape with the charm of inspired Architecture. Part of the Estate is beautifully wooded and the trees are being carefully preserved; where a plot has no existing trees in the front garden, ornamental trees will be planted behind the forecourt walls.
. Will the Builders “crowd” the maximum number of houses at the expense of light and air?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS “can never become a “crowded” Estate; only seven houses are being erected to the acre, thus ensuring individual privacy and an exceptional proportion of open space.
*Q. Will my house, desirable as it may be to me, be one of hundreds all alike?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” Houses are the last worn modern design and equipment. In a determined
effort to avoid at all costs the monotony of “ss-produced repetition” no fewer than fifteen widely differing types are available priced from to £1,250, all semi-detached or detached. Each type is Architect-designed and possesses genuine “individuality.” To ensure still greater variety, each design in turn will have its own individual “harmonies” to be achieved by a variation in colours and tones of brickwork, roof tiles and treatment of external rendering or woodwork, etc., etc.
Q. With so many designs and with so large a range of prices, I should be able to make a happy choice. I might, however, require “variations” or even a house to my own particular design. Do the Builders cater for this eventuality?
A . “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” Houses offer an amazing choice of design but the resident Architect can always be consulted upon any required variations, and he will also, if required, consider preparing special plans to individual requirements.
*Q. What assurance can I have that, artistry and environment apart, the houses will be constructionally beyond reproach?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” Houses, although “modern” in every other respect are definitely “pre war” in their standard of construction. The overworked phrase “jerry-building“. . . So often unfortunately justified by houses whose sole apparent merit is their ability to produce a quick and substantial profit for the builder cannot be applied to this scheme, which being in the
L.C.C. area and on Crown Land, will be under the special jurisdiction and surveillance of the Crown surveyors and the London Building Act District Surveyor, in addition to the customary Local Authority’s Surveyor. The Builders, Messrs. J. E. Webb & Co. Ltd. are members of the House Builders’ Association of Great Britain and are on the RECOMMENDED LIST of the CIVIL SERVICE HOUSING ASSOCIATION.
Q. Is there any ambiguity with regard to the terms of purchase: with how many unexpected ” extras ” shall I be faced in addition to the advertised deposit?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” purchase terms are the easiest and most straightforward obtainable. You need incur no legal expenses or stamp duties whatever in connection with the purchase or the Mortgage (see repayment figures with price list) neither are there any survey fees or “concealed extras.” The new roads are being constructed by the Woolwich Borough Council but the purchaser bears no part of this expense either now or in the future.
*Q. Once I have taken over the house I may discover certain defects in workmanship not previously noticeable:
what attention, if any, will the Builders pay to such reasonable complaints?
A. “ELTHAM HEIGHTS ” Builders are genuine enough (and far-seeing enough) to want every purchaser to be a thoroughly satisfied purchaser and one who will voluntarily and enthusiastically advertise ” Eltham Heights” amongst his acquaintances. Within a week of your moving in, a Director will personally call on you to enquire whether you are entirely satisfied with your new home and to make a list of any items which may have been left in an unsatisfactory state. He will then give immediate instructions for such work to be attended to and further, will call again at the expiration of one month to see that his instructions have been fully carried out.
Visible Evidence
ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS of the first road on “Eltham Heights” Crown Woods Way-before the advent of the Builders ..
and after …
shewing that “intelligent and imaginative development” need not destroy Nature’s Endowment-it can BLEND in perfect harmony the natural
‘-‘-‘—-beauty of the landscape with the charm of INSPIRED architecture
Eltham Heights
Actual photographs of three of the fifteen available designs
•where required SPECIAL DESIGNS for individual purchasers will be prepared
Eltham Heights – Sand and Gravel Sub-soil
General Information
Travelling Facilities
The new “Falconwood” Station (Southern Railway Electric) has recently been opened actually at the north-west corner of “Eltham Heights ” within a few minutes of all Houses (fares and times quoted are correct at time of going to press).
LONDON TERMINI. London Bridge (23 minutes), Cannon Street, Waterloo and Charing Cross (30 minutes) via New Cross.
WORKMEN’S FARE. (4.13 a.m.-7.22 a.m) London Bridge 9d. return.
QUARTERLY SEASON THIRD-CLASS FARE. (Approximately six trains per hour during “rush hours” and four per hour during remainder of day). All London Termini £3 14s. 6d. Last Train from London Bridge, 12.20 a.m.
CHEAP MID-DAY FARE. (After 9.20 a.m.). To all London Termini Is. 4d. Return. Also Sundays (after about
7.20 a.m.).
Eltham can offer exceptional educational facilities. There are no fewer than ten L.C.C. elementary schools. There is also an L.C.C. Secondary School for girls at Eltham Hill. Private, preparatory and kindergarten schools are numerous. There are also two Roman Catholic schools-the Convent of St. Clotilde, Glenure Road for girls and St. Margaret’s School in the High Street, for boys and girls from four to eleven years of age.
There is also a secondary school for boys at Sidcup-St. Mary’s College, under the direction of the Marist Fathers; and St. Joseph’s Academy, Blackheath, under the direction of the Christian Brothers. (A list of Schools can be supplied on request.)
Eltham High Street is a most attractive shopping centre, with modern buildings and bright and progressive shops, including branches of many of the multiple stores. The Estate is also easily accessible to the well-known shopping centres of Lewisham and Woolwich. Sites are definitely allocated for the erection of shops adjoining the “Eltham Heights” Estate.
There are two excellent golf courses near to hand-Eltham Warren , a nine-hole course adjoining the Estate and the Royal Blackheath, one of the most historic clubs in the country. This is an eighteen-hole course and is about one and a half miles from the Estate.
There are several private tennis clubs in the district and also many public courts in Avery Hill Park opposite the Estate and there are exceptional facilities for hockey, cricket, football and every type of sport. A new and splendidly equipped Swimming Pool is being constructed in sylvan surroundings in Eltham Park, within a short walk of the Estate. There is also a new Pool within easy reach, at Danson Park.
There are two excellent cinemas in Eltham and Theatres at Lewisham and Woolwich.
The rambler, cyclist and motorist will find Eltham an admirable centre for their explorations. It lies between the Dover and Folkestone Roads, two of the most popular main roads out of London, leading to all the beauty-spots of Kent. The rambler will find much interesting country in the Cray and Darent Valleys and the Kentish Commons, and some of the best foot-paths near to London start from Sidcup and Chislehurst to the south of Eltham.
In addition to these there are some very well preserved public parks, including Avery Hill, Danson Park at Welling and the wooded heights of Shooters Hill and Abbey Wood.
Bus Services passing “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” (see map, page 11).
No. 46 – Woolwich, Eltham, Lewisham, New Cross, Embankment.
Eltham Heights S.E.9
Terms of Purchase
The CASH DEPOSIT shewn on the accompanying Price List is the total sum required to take possession. The whole of the balance of the purchase money is advanced by the Woolwich Equitable Building Society and repayable over a period of approximately 21 years (see the announcement on page 24).
These repayments are made calendar monthly (12 payments only per annum) but for easy comparison, the equivalent weekly figures are given in this Brochure.
(Where a purchaser prefers to arrange his own mortgage elsewhere or to employ his own solicitor, he is perfectly free to do so. In this event an equitable allowance for legal expenses is made to him with out any demur.)
New roads are being constructed by the Local Authority-the Woolwich Borough Council-with a 24ft. concrete carriage way, Tarmac surfaced , and 8ft. paved footpaths each side. The road is completed simultaneously with the houses.
Individual leases for 99 years are granted direct by the Crown to each purchaser, with very moderate ground rents (indicated under each type on the following pages).
Services (The informat ion give n below is correct at the time of going to press; current prices can be supplied on application)
MAIN DRAINAGE. Separate systems of Soil and Surface Water Drainage.
WATER SUPPLY. Metropolitan Water Board. Two stop-cocks within the premises.
GAS SUPPLY. South Metropolitan Gas Company, 9d. per therm. A gas point is supplied to every room including a point in Bathroom for geyser and points in Kitchen for Cooker, copper and boiler lighter . Gas copper is provided on request.
ELECTRICITY. Woolwich Borough Council, 5d. Per unit lighting, 1d. per unit heating. “All-in” contract rate, ½ d. per unit, 16s. 3d. per quarter (types A and B) larger types pro rata. Voltage 220 AC. Lighting points are supplied to every room and hall and landing including ceiling rose and pendant with flush switch . In the Bathroom, Kitchen and W.C. an enclosed “opal “shade fitting is supplied . One extra 2 amp. skirting lighting point is included to front reception room and one large bedroom . A 15 amp. Power point is supplied to every room (and in the Kitchen) . A Cooker point is also provided .
RATES. Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich . 6s. 8d. in the £ half-yearly. (Estimated net assessment on Type Al houses at 26 i.e., rates £17 6s. 8d . per annum . Other types pro rata.)
Special Features of The Eltham Heights Houses
1. All Houses are either fully Detached or Semi-Detached with ROOM FOR GARAGE and INDEPENDENT side entrance. (Certain types are priced inclusive of a Brick Garage under the main roof.)
2. Plots are of exceptionally generous proportions, varying from 30ft. to 68ft. frontage and from 150ft .
to 300ft. in depth.
3. Fences. All close-boarded, 6ft. high between houses and approximately to a further 10ft. beyond and then ramped down to 4ft. Oak posts, rails and gravel board. Dwarf forecourt walls in brick with ornamental tree planted in forecourt.
4. Front Door of imposing design in solid oak.
5. Paving. Concrete path to front door and concrete run-ways to Garage (if any). 3ft. strip at rear of house and from front door to side door.
6. Foundations. Concrete composed of six parts pit ballast to one part of best English Portland Cement.
Concrete in foundations 2ft. 3ins. wide and not less than 9ins. thick laid on the solid ground , reinforced with Jin. rods where necessary. 6ins. of Concrete laid over whole site.
Concrete lintels well reinforced.
7. Brickwork. Internal brickwork of Flettons or equal, external face brickwork good quality bricks in
pleasing colour-tones harmonising with the varying coloured roof tiles and external finish.
8. Joinery. All timbers are of best quality yellow deal. Floorings of good quality and tongued and grooved. Half timbering of English sawn oak. I in. tongued and grooved boarded cover to cold water storage tank.
9. Windows. Patent ” Stormproof” windows by Austins of East Ham, leaded lights with metal core and
English glass.
BATHROOM. “The last word in artistic Bathroom design.” Walls tiled to 4ft. 6ins., with fine quality matt surface 4ins. x 4ins. coloured tiles. (Choice of Green or Cream tiles with black or green skirting and capping in all types except types Al and A2 which have cream tiles only but the same choice of skirting and capping.) Recessed soap dish. Large rectangular porcelain-enamel Bath (H. and C.) with decorative panel, chromium plated hand shower and “mixer” tap. Rectangular lavatory basin (H. and C.) on chromium plated stands with towel rails.
KITCHENETTE. Walls tiled to 4ft. 6ins. in 6ins. x 6ins. English white Tiling with “chequered” strip and black rounded capping (except in type F, which has the Scullery tiled). A “Peerless ” Kitchen cabinet combining dresser unit, ironing board, broom cupboard, pastry shelf, etc. (A superlative fitting made by the suppliers of the Kitchen furniture in the King’s Jubilee House at Burhill, Surrey). All white glazed sink (H . and C.) 24ins. x 18ins. x 10ins. with chromium taps, draining board and cupboard underneath. Portable gas copper (if requested). Green (or Grey by request if not already fitted) mottled enamel IDEAL boiler for HOT WATER SUPPLY on quarry-tiled base and set in Tiled recess with independent brick flue. Spacious Larder with white Tiled cold shelf.
FIREPLACES. “Another superlative feature of an ‘Eltham Heights’ House.”
RECEPTION ROOMS. Beautifully designed and exceptionally fine quality Tiled fireplaces with hardwood mantels (oak, mahogany or walnut). Alternatively “all-tiled ” fireplaces with raised tiled hearths.
Purchasers may visit the tile factory (one of the most up-to-date in London) and select from an enormous stock; special designs can be made to individual order if required.
TWO BEDROOMS. A wide choice of tiled surrounds to open coal fires or handsome panel electric or gas fires.
Total fireplace allowance: £25 10’s. Od. on larger type houses and £22 10’s. Od. on other types.
DECORATIONS. All papering and paint work is effected to the purchaser’s reasonable choice by a highly-skilled staff and (if requested) the services of a specialist in modern home decoration are at the purchaser’s disposal. The following is the standard of decoration allowed to purchasers:
Woodwork. Graining (Oak, Sycamore, Maple, Mahogany or Walnut, etc.) to Hall and Landing and one room (or alternatively two rooms only). The other rooms to have three coat work paint, with final coat either gloss, flat or “shaded” finish.
Walls. Paper up to 2s. 6d. per piece with a border up to 4td. per yard ; one room panelled and motifs, or alternatively, two rooms panelled without motifs.
Ceilings. Distempered, with two rooms tinted in any colour or any rooms tinted with buff (or white).
Your House is finished, as it is begun, not only for your delight but to afford us our most effective advertisement
Have you previously been disappointed to discover the very wide difference in cost between the Three-Bedroom and the Four-Bedroom House?
Here is the ingenious Solution
Houses, Types BI, B2 and B3, (see details on pages 14-16) are so constructed that they can be converted to Four-Bedroom Houses-whether already built or not-at the phenomenally small cost of £7 IOs. Od. extra.
This brochure is not to constitute a warranty in the event of a contract being entered into and is, of course, subject to variations on the sale of individual houses
Eltham Heights Map
Bus Routes:
N° 228. Eltham(Well Hall)Avery Hill Park (ElthamHeights) to Chislehurst N° 61 Eltham(WellHall) to Orpington
N° 132. lewisham Eltham Avery Hill Park (Eltham Heights) to Bexley ·
N° 132A Eltham(Well Hall)Avery Hill Park(Eltham Heights) to Bexley heath·
N° 227. Penge ·Eltham ·Welling ·
N° 209 Eltham to Forest Hill ·
N° 21. Wood Green Eltham· Sidcup Farningham ·
N° 21A Wood Green· Eltham ·Welling·
Map Showing the Ideal Situation Of “ELTHAM HEIGHTS” Within The Green Belt
Eltham Heights
Type A1
(FULLY DETACHED £75 extra)
A Very Popular Elevation
square front on Ground Floor and Circular Bay above. Tiled Porch. Solid oak front door. A perfect “Housewife’s Kitchen”
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 per annum
- Bedroom 1 : 15′ O” (into bay) x 11′ I t”
- Bedroom 2: 13’ 6″ x 11’1 f”
- Bedroom 3: 10′ 9″ x 7′ 6″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 15′ 6″ x 12′ 6″
- Dining Room: 13′ 6″ x 11′ O”
- Hall: 6′ wide
- Kitchenette (with “Sun-trap” bay): 12′ 10″ x 7′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
One Inclusive Price – No Extras
Eltham Heights
Type A2
(FULLY DETACHED £75 extra)
A Variation from Type A1
Having square front on Ground Floor, Cant Bay above with Gable roof over. Tiled Porch. Solid oak front door…
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 per annum
A Design representing sheer value ; offering maximum floor space at an economic price. (Note size of Kitchen and Third Bedroom)
- Bedroom 1 : 15′ O” (into bay) x 11′ 1 t”
- Bedroom 2: 13’ 6″ x 11’1 f”
- Bedroom 3: 10′ 9″ x 7′ 6″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 15′ 6″ x 12′ 6″
- Dining Room: 13′ 6″ x 11′ O”
- Hall: 6′ wide
- Kitchenette (with “Sun-trap” bay): 12′ 10″ 1/2 x 7′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
Permanent “Site Value” – Eltham Heights
Eltham Heights
Type B1
In The “Georgian” Style
captivating simplicity with plain fa ade, strikingly relieved with “window shutters,” inviting “gay” exterior paintwork
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 per annum
Porch entrance. Solid oak front door
- Bedroom 1 :16′ 4- ” x 11′ 9″
- Bedroom 2: 12′ 7t” x I I ‘ O”
- Bedroom 3: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room with alcove: 16′ 4 ” x 13′ 6″
- Dining Room with alcove: 15′ 9″ x 12′ 6″
- Hall: 8′ O” x 8′ O”
- Kitchenette: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
The Discerning Purchasers Choice – “Eltham Heights”
Eltham Heights
Type B2
An Old-World Exterior
with an Ultra-modern interior. Porch entrance and solid oak front door
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 per annum
- Bedroom 1 :16′ 4- ” x 11′ 9″
- Bedroom 2: 12′ 7t” x 11 ‘ O”
- Bedroom 3: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 16′ 4 ” x 13′ 6″
- Dining Room: 15′ 9″ x 12′ 6″
- Hall: 8′ O” x 8′ O”
- Kitchenette: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
An Artistic And Intelligent Development – “Eltham Heights”
Eltham Heights
Type B3
A House of Real Character
yet at a surprisingly moderate price. The Tile hanging is effected in beautiful tones in harmony with the roof and is superimposed on solid 9 inch Brickwork
Leaded window lights. Porch entrance and solid oak front door
- Bedroom 1 :16′ 4- ” x 11′ 9″
- Bedroom 2: 12′ 7t” x 11 ‘ O”
- Bedroom 3: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 16′ 4 ” x 13′ 6″
- Dining Room: 15′ 9″ x 12′ 6″
- Hall: 8′ O” x 8′ O”
- Kitchenette: 11′ O” x 8′ O”
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
Fifteen Types – Each Architect-Designed And “Individual”
Eltham Heights
This type is practically identical with Type A2
Exceptionally Large Rooms at Moderate Price
F U L L Y D E T A C H E D £ 7 5 E X T R A
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 per annum
- Bedroom 1 : 15′ 0″ (into bay) x 12′ 1 1/2″
- Bedroom 2: 13′ 6″ x 12′ 1t”
- Bedroom 3: 10′ 9″ x 7′ 6″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 15′ 6 ” x 13′ 6″
- Dining Room: 13′ 9″ x 12′ 0″
- Hall: 6′ wide
- Kitchenette: 12′ 10″ x 7′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
No Legal Expenses Whatsoever And No Road Charges
Eltham Heights
Type E
A Design of Dignified Individuality
in the pleasing manner of typical English Country-Cottage Architecture with a wide recessed Porch and bold oak bressummer overhead. A solid oak front door. Special features include a really spacious Hall; a very large Kitchenette with” Sun-Trap” Bay; a second W.C. off the Hall and a specially planned “Bed recess” in the principal Bedroom
- Bedroom 1: 13′ 1 1/2″ x 13′ 0″
- Bedroom 2: 13′ 0″ x 12′ 0″
- Bedroom 3: 11′ 9″ x 8′ 10″
- Bedroom 4: 10′ 0″ x 8′ 6″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in Bedroom 2 and cupboard under stairs
- Reception Room: 13′ 0″ x 12′ 0″ (plus bay)
- Dining Room: 13′ 0″ x 13′ 0″
- Hall: 8′ 6″ x 15′ 1 1/2″ – and small passage to second WC
- Kitchenette: 15′ 9″ x 8′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
“Eltham Heights” – Rural Surroundings And Inspired Architecture
Eltham Heights
Type F
(Fully detached £125 extra, including the added attraction of an “old -world ” Inglenook fireplace in the Dining Room .Can also be built detached as above, with 4 Bedrooms; see Price List)
The Ideal House
for the Purchaser requiring Large Rooms and proper domestic accommodation for a Maid, including a Tiled Kitchen Annexe with sink and larder. Possessing the criterion of real charm; an imposing and elaborate roof
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £9 per annum
- Garage under main roof
- Fuel and Tool Stores
- Ample and easily accessible boxroom accommodation on first floor
- Spacious Bathroom (price includes chromium plated Heated Towel Rail)
- Three-section ” Ideal Classic ” Radiator in Hall
- Hall oak-panelled ; oak plaque rail and oak mouldings
- Second W.C. from Hall
- Wide Entrance Porch and solid oak front door
- Bedroom 1: 14′ 0″ (plus bay) x 12′ 0″
- Bedroom 2: 16′ 0″ x 12′ 0″
- Bedroom 3: 11′ 1 1/2′ 0″ x 8′ 3″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard and double hanging cupboard on Landing
- Reception Room: 14′ 0″ (plus bay) x 12′ 0″
- Dining Room: 16′ 0″ x 12′ 0″
- Hall: 9′ 1 1/2 wide
- Kitchenette: 11′ 9″ x 9′ 11 – and kitchen annexe
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
Enjoy Better Health In The Green Belt
Eltham Heights
Type H
A striking elevation
which will make an enormous appeal to the connoisseur of Modern Architecture
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £12 10s per annum
- An oak panelled Lounge Hall with oak plaque rail and mouldings
- A three-section “Ideal Classic” Radiator in Hall
- A second W.C. off Hall
- A recessed Bookcase fitting in Reception Room
- Outside chimney brests affording extra floor space and an improved exterior appearance
- An exceptionally well-lighted staircase
- A solid oak front door
- An aerial and earth with plug points to both Reception Rooms
- Bedroom 1: 12′ 9″ x 11′ 6″
- Bedroom 2: 11′ 6″ x 10′ 0″
- Bedroom 3: 11′ 6″ x 8′ 6″
- Bedroom 4: 11′ 6″ x 8′ 4 1/2″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing and angle cupboard in one bedroom
- Reception Room: 12′ 9″ (plus bay) x 11′ 6″
- Dining Room: 13′ 0″ x 13′ 0″
- Lounge Hall: 11′ 1 1/2″ x 6′ 6″ – and inner hall
- Second WC
- Kitchenette (exclusive of larder and entrance): 11′ 6″ x 8′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE:- Semi-detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £45 extra. Detached £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage. Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light. Concrete run-ways.
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
London Easiest Purchase Terms – “Eltham Heights”
Eltham Heights
Type C1
(Fully Detached £75 extra)
An imposing Elevation
beautifully harmonising the beauties of “warm” brickwork, “half-timbering,” bright stucco and mellow leaded window lights. With enchanting oriel bay window beneath a bold gable and a tiled hood over entrance
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £8 10s per annum
Charmingly designed in the “TUDOR STYLE.” A really spacious Four-Bedroom “Family” House, with BRICK GARAGE in main building
This type is also available with an ALTERNATIVE Elevational Design in lieu of oak half-timbering; i.e., Tile-Hanging, facing Brick-work and artistic rendering
- Bedroom 1: 16′ 0″ x 12′ 1 1/2″
- Bedroom 2: 14′ 0″ x 12′ 6″
- Bedroom 3: 12′ 1 1/2″ x 10′ 4 1/2″
- Bedroom 4: 14′ 3″ x 8′ 9″
- Bathroom
- Separate W.C (with chromium plated heated towel rail)
- Heated linen cupboard on Landing; hanging cupboard in small front bedroom and cupboard under stairs
- Hall: 6′ 4 1/2″ wide
- Reception Room: 16′ 0″ x 12′ 1 1/2″
- Dining Room: 14′ 0″ x 12′ 6″
- Kitchenette: 10′ 9″ x 10′ 6″
- Double coal bunker
- BRICK GARAGE with brick fuel store at rear: 15′ 9″ x 7′ 6″
- Trade Porch
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
Houses Of Charm In A Perfect Setting
Eltham Heights
TYPES C2 and C3
GROUND RENT (according to size of plot) from £9 per annum
THESE TWO TYPES are similar in general design to the C1 type (page 21) but, as will be seen from the accompanying plans, the garage space of type C1 is utilised in C2 WITHIN the house to provide:
- An oak panelled Lounge Hall 16ft. 10 ½ ins. x 9ft. 7 ½ ins. with oak plaque rail and mouldings with brick Fireplace and well fire-grate. .
- An inside lavatory off the Hall with W .C. (separate) and wash-basin (H. and C.).
- Separate brick coal and coke stores.
- An improved and bolder staircase.
- A covered front entrance porch.
This type is available in two alternative Elevational designs; half-timbering and facing brickwork or tile hanging and facing brickwork. Otherwise, the equipment is the same as in the C1 description
BRICK GARAGE-Detached (16ft. x 7ft. 3ins. inside) £50 extra. The majority of this amount can be added to the mortgage Double doors back and front or single door (or window) in rear. Electric light Concrete run-ways
TYPE C3. It will be seen from the above plans, that this type is a slight variation on type C2, but includes a Kitchenette increased to l2ft. x I Oft. 9ins. and this type is only available with hanging tiles and facing brickwork
·see pages 8, 9 and 10 for general particulars of Equipment and outgoings.
Only Seven Houses To The Acre
How to Inspect…
A cordial invitation is extended to you to come and inspect the series of completely equipped show houses
Messrs. SAVAGE & CO., the Sole Selling Agents, offer you every assistance in inspecting the ” Eltham Heights ” Estate.
A representative and a car are at your disposal at any of our offices, as below, during ordinary office hours and after hours or at week-ends by telephoned appointment.
A representative is in CONSTANT attendance (including week-ends) at the SHOW HOUSES on the Estate.
Our services and advice are freely at your disposal. We shall welcome, and give personal attention to, your enquiries.
Surveyors, Valuers & Estate Agents
ELTHAM S.E.9 Phone ELTHAM 1121-2
ELTHAM S.E.9 Phone ELTHAM 2615-6
If You Have A Query – Phone Eltham “Double one Double Two”
A Final Word
THE easy method of house purchase out of income for the Eltham Heights Estate as illustrated in the preceding pages has been made possible by the special arrangements concluded with the Woolwich Equitable Building Society. The expert service afforded by this old established Society, whose Chief Offices are situate in the Borough, provides a fitting accompaniment to the efficient and courteous attention to the purchaser’s affairs that characterises all the dealings attendant on the acquisition of a house on this Estate .
The procedure connected with the purchase has been rendered extremely simple. After the purchaser has made his selection of the site and type of house preferred, he will be requested by the Agents to sign the Building Society’s form of application for advance. Unless substantially more than the advertised deposit is being paid a short form of personal questionnaire is required to be completed at the same time for the double purpose of enabling the Building Society to advise, where any advice is needed, on the proposed mortgage arrangements, and to ensure that the class of occupier is maintained at its existing high level. Purchasers will at once appreciate the advantage of securing the original standard of the Estate in this important direction. In connection with those types of houses priced at more than £760 an Insurance Indemnity Proposal Form (see below) takes the place of the Building Society’s questionnaire. The Insurance Company usually require certain extra information and obtain this from the purchaser direct, either by interview or correspondence to suit his convenience. In either case the purchaser is respectfully urged to attend the interview or reply to the Company’s enquiries as early as possible. Likewise, if references are applied for, the purchaser should ask his referees to be prompt with their reports.
The Building Society’s approval of the application is announced with the very minimum of delay. No further formalities remain to be observed by the purchaser after acceptance of the Society’s offer of advance beyond the execution of the Lease to himself and the Mortgage to the Society. Mention may be made here that any private particulars supplied to the Building Society or the Insurance Company in the course of business are treated with the utmost confidence.
It is a very great benefit to a purchaser to know at the outset exactly what his commitments will be. For this reason the Builders have undertaken to pay all preliminary fees and stamp duties in respect of the mortgage. The indemnity premium, payable only when the price exceeds £760, is a charge made by the Insurance Company on the purchaser: it is a single premium and does not require renewal annually.
The Building Society pay this on the purchaser’s behalf and add the amount to the mortgage-the repayments quoted against the prices of these types include the small increase as a result of this addition. The object of the indemnity policy is to enable the Society to make a very full advance in excess of its normal loan proportion for the higher-priced houses. If any purchaser cares to do so he may by paying a larger deposit (usually twenty percent. of the price) dispense with the policy and the expense of the premium may thereby be saved and the monthly instalments proportionately reduced.
The advance granted by the Society is secured by way of mortgage on the property, and is repayable over a term of twenty-one years approximately. Payments are due on the first Monday in each calendar month (i.e., twelve payments per year, not to be confused with the rules of some Societies to whom instalments are payable every four weeks, making thirteen payments in all per year). Every facility is afforded for easy remittance of the mortgage instalments. A local office is established at Tudor House, 76/78, High Street, Eltham (opposite Eltham Parish Church), and payment may be made there or at the Head Office in Woolwich, by post, banker’s order or by use of the Society’s special paying-in slips over the counter of any of the local branches of the Big Five Banks without charge.
The interest included in the repayments quoted in this Brochure and charged each year is calculated at I % above Bank Rate with a minimum of 4-% per annum. In the event of the Bank Rate rising above 3 % and the Society finding it necessary to raise the rate of interest correspondingly, the term of the mortgage would be extended, but it is important to remember that the monthly repayments would remain as stated. The purchaser is therefore guaranteed a fixed monthly commitment and has the satisfaction of knowing that in times of general financial stress the Building Society’s powers of amending the rate of interest are definitely restricted, which is not the case with many Societies that, unlike the Woolwich Equitable, reserve the right to call in the mortgage at any time.
Another feature of the Woolwich Equitable service is the provision of various assurance schemes designed to protect the purchaser’s dependents during the currency of the mortgage. A scheme of special attraction available to those providing a deposit of twenty per cent. is the Endowment Plan, whereby a fixed mortgage is granted repayable from the proceeds of an Endowment Policy effected with any one of a number of leading Life Offices . This scheme enables the purchaser to secure generous additional tax refunds. Those interested in obtaining life cover are invited to apply to the Society for quotations.
======== Chief Office EQUITABLE HOUSE WOOLWICH SE 18 ==========
ASSETS EXCEED £:14,000,000
See ” TERMS OF PURCHASE ” page 8 and page 24
*This includes the repayment of the SINGLE Premium under the Imdemnity Scheme
See page 24
Sole Agents
and at